The Historical Town of Waddan
The historical town of Wadan is one of the most important tourist cities in Mauritania, which attracts tourists due to its important historical and tourist status. When you visit Wadan, you will feel as if you are in an open gallery with many memories from the ancient past, which express the history of the place and explain its greatness that makes everyone who visits it desire Back here again.
Ouedane, listed by UNESCO with its counterparts, Chinguetti, Tichit, and its countries included in the World Heritage List, is located at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level, more than 600 kilometers from Nouakchott, and 93 kilometers northeast of its famous, one of the stops on the trade route And the road leading to Mecca, and it should be noted that you will find a historic mosque with rows of archways that allow light to penetrate the earth, inspiring faithful Muslims to come and pray.
It still preserves some of its old buildings, such as ancient palaces, such as Qalali Palace, with its wonderful colors, ancient houses, and other ancient historical monuments. Some of them still bear witness to the remains of old, outdated villages. It also had great importance in the past as a commercial and cultural center in the Middle Ages, where celebrations were held. In which music, poetry and many other events were presented, if you are planning to visit the city of Mauritania, you should definitely put the city of Wadan on your list of favorite tourist places.